Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 12, Capturing My Grief

Day 12, Scents

A few weeks after Carpenter died, Liv and I headed out for the mall in search of some hand soaps.  Bath and Body Works was having a sale, and I figured it was a safe trip for our first outing post-loss without daddy.  While there, I remembered in college having a pillow spray that was just heaven, so I checked the aromatherapy side.  Anyway, I apparently hate lavender now, and ended up leaving with this orange-ginger body wash called "Energy."  

I don't want to get into an advertisement for this soap, but I have become obsessed with it.  Honestly, when I first used it, I felt alive.  Now I need to smell ginger all the time.  I use this soap and lotion.  I cook with ginger (Ginger Walnut Salmon, anyone?).  I even made agua fresca de lima with a bunch of ginger ground into it.  Fabulous.  

I can't explain it.  I've never cared about ginger before.  But now, when I smell that tart, citrusy scent, I think of my little Carpenter in such a lively, positive way.  He really does give his mommy energy.

Finding energy wherever I can...this is my grief.

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